Respiratory Diseases – Which industries pose the most risk?

Respiratory diseases can be developed due to many different reasons, but this article delves into the most common industries for developing respiratory issues.


There is no definitive list of professions that may expose you to chemicals or particles which may lead to the development of respiratory diseases, but the four industries we have listed below are generally regarded as the riskiest ones.


Respiratory Diseases



Disinfectants which are commonly available can cause or worsen respiratory disease or their symptoms. Cleaners can be exposed to many different types of sprays, polishes and liquids throughout the course of their working day.



Dust inhalation can be a big risk for construction workers. Whether it be from cement powders, brick dust, or from the environment itself – such as exposure to asbestos fibres and other debris from crumbling structures in renovation projects, etc.



Factory workers can be exposed to chemicals, detergents, dust, gases and humid conditions that could lead to respiratory conditions, as well as an environment where old buildings may pose a risk of potential asbestos exposure.



Workers who produce everyday items such as upholstery, towels, socks, bed linens and clothes may be at risk of exposure to particles released from cotton and other materials. Not to mention dyes, adhesives and other liquids used in various types of fabric and production.


Further reading

For a detailed look at respiratory diseases and potential legal claims against a previous or current employer, check out this resource.


Limitation period

Be aware that there is a limitation period with such claims, which is a time limit as to how long you can have been aware of your condition before seeking legal representation.

If you have just found out about your condition and are looking to take action against your company, you should be within the time limit. Our team will be able to advise you on this and provide you with more information.


How do I get in touch?

Contact our team today on 0113 306 9039, and we will advise you on whether or not your case is likely to succeed.

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