Eight year ADHD assessment wait for NHS patients

An investigation reveals that it would take over eight years for adult patients waiting for ADHD assessments to be seen under the NHS in large areas of the UK.

According to freedom of Information requests, 24 services were identified as undergoing extensive delays, with almost 200,000 people waiting to be seen.

ADHD assessment wait

ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition which affects behaviour, such as making it more difficult to concentrate and manage time. Other symptoms can include impulsive actions and risk-taking.

Diagnosis generally only happens if symptoms cause at least a moderate impact on their lives.

The surge in waiting times is the result of a four times increase in referrals since 2019, which has resulted in some trusts closing their waiting lists completely.

The lengthiest backlog belongs to the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, which has over 6,000 people waiting, with only three assessments completed last year.

Even though some trusts are attempting innovative solutions like partnerships with private practices, demand for ADHD services continues to vastly exceed capacity.

Dr Helen Crimlisk, executive medical director of The Sheffield Trust, said:

“We are sorry that we have not been providing a good enough service to people seeking help for ADHD. We have prioritised treating people with a valid assessment instead of carrying out new assessments.”

Thea Stein, chief executive of health think tank the Nuffield Trust, said she has never witnessed anything like the current growth in demand for ADHD services.

She stated that thousands and thousands of people are waiting “in distress”, so a radical solution is overdue.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists informed the BBC:

“We’re seeing more people than ever seeking support from ADHD services which are struggling to meet this demand.”

The NHS has launched an independent task force to combat such challenges, but solutions in the short term are evasive. 

The lack of official data and uniform service provision makes the issue worse, leaving many patients distressed, struggling with lack of an ADHD diagnosis and the significant impact it has on their lives.

Further reading

For some further information about medical negligence and treatment delays, check out this page. 

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