Trips and Slips – Accidents at Work

Work is a place where you spend a great deal of your day.


Therefore, it is important that you are able to do so in as safe an environment as possible. Unfortunately though, accidents do happen and it is important to know whether it could have been prevented by better workplace procedures.

Trips and Slips

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 are the legal framework that all employers should adhere to. When breaches of these regulations occur, though, accidents may result.


What may cause a trip or a slip?

  • Boxes left in corridors/walkways
  • Unattended pallets
  • Trollies/trailing cables/loose tools
  • Loose plastic wrappings/coverings
  • Recently mopped floors without warning signage
  • Spillages or leaks


If an accident is caused by any of the above – or some other preventable accident – it is imperative that the cause of the mishap is pinpointed, as to whether the employer could have reasonably been expected to have protocols in place to keep the area free of obstacles.


Following procedure

If and when an accident does unfortunately occur, it must be reported to to your employer straight away. This enables the situation to be investigated internally, and be recorded to help prevent future accidents.


If first aid help is needed, it can then be administered onsite, or it may be necessary to seek additional advice or treatment from your own GP or hospital.


Adhering to the above will make things a lot easier, if it later becomes clear that your employer was to blame and you decide to take legal action.


Further reading

For a detailed look at accidents at work, check out this resource.


How do I get in touch?

Contact our team today on 0113 306 9039, and we will advise you on whether or not your case is likely to succeed.

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